Oyster Journal: An Interview with Writer Jade Torres

What and who inspires you?
My inspiration is drawn from the divine elements within everyday life, such as nature, the alignment of the stars and the interconnectedness of everything. It manifests through insights gained in meditation, and the openness to experiences. Alongside conversations with friends, the connections within my family and the unconditional love from my husband and children. As an observer, and a student of life, I believe inspiration is always surrounding us, revealing beauty in ordinary moments for those who choose to see.
Is this your purpose?
I believe I am here to help heal others. To make this world a little brighter and to articulate emotions some people may struggle to express. I've experienced that silence, conditioned to suppress and disassociate from myself, while living in the expectation of others. Keeping the peace by people pleasing, all at the cost of my peace and authenticity. I say this with so much conviction that within each of us lies a voice waiting to be discovered, a soul that needs to be heard, not necessarily by others but specifically to uncover the essence who we are. When you embrace the journey of self-discovery, one that involves continuous change, rebirth and evolution -you become unstoppable. So, yes, I believe writing in any form is my purpose.
Have you written any books we need to know about?
I have written a children’s book about finding beauty within, dedicated to my daughters. They work a lot in the modelling industry, so it was really important to me that they learn from an early age where their true beauty comes from and how to discern beauty in other people, rather than learning from society, photoshoot sets and social media platforms where beauty is associated with physical appearances.
I am in the middle of writing a non-fiction book blended with poetry, however, I do feel like this is very far away from being born.
What’s your favourite poem you have written?
The most favourite piece I have written is,
“I think it's scary to be vulnerable. To let someone else undress your emotions and study the nakedness of your soul. To allow them to see beneath your eyes into the bleeding of your scars. To run so fast into their arms without knowing if you will fall. To place your trust inside their hands unsure if you will slip between their fingers. But I also think it's scary to never try. To never give your heart a chance to beat for another. To never fall in love with the possibility that someone unexpected can walk into your life and change it forever.”
For me, this piece sits so closely to home. Exposing my emotions and past traumas has been a challenging journey for me, considering I suppressed my story for so long -to the point where I would feel nauseous when I did share a part of me, wondering if I will be received entirely or rejected. Wondering if the next would do the same as the last. Wondering if I was too wounded to love and be loved. Finding the courage to share your vulnerabilities is a powerful step towards self-acceptance and personal growth, whether you are received or not. When you embrace the possibility of love and connection in the most unexpected ways, it can lead to the most transformative, and soul cleansing experiences.
What’s one thing you think matters most in life?
Being present and attentive in the presence of those you love. Life is too short to exist in the future, while its important to have goals, the only moment we have is the one we are in right now. So never miss the opportunity to tell people you love them. Never miss the opportunity to hold your children tight. Never miss the opportunity to remain fully present within your body. Give yourself permission to let yourself in. To break through the barriers of your wounds. To prioritise your well-being and rise above the silence that once drowned you. Always be kind. Extend to yourself the love, gentleness and grace you deserve. If there is something that is calling you, please believe you are worthy of receiving it. Everything that is meant for you will divinely present itself to you.
What’s the most important quality you feel in a beautiful soul?
I am constantly drawn to people by their kind loving and empathetic energy, wholeheartedly aware of the resilience, vulnerability and courage it has taken for them to be this way, to radiate such gentleness and brightness. I intimately understand this journey having experienced childhood, adolescent and early adulthood trauma. So, I can empathize with the most uncomfortable pain, but I also know the transformative power of light, how it radiates and illuminates. Once you reach the point of acceptance and forgive yourself and others, it becomes the most freeing and liberating feeling you can ever experience. You don't attach your experiences to who you are but rather allow them to motivate you into who you can be. I always base my connections off energy, this is why I appreciate you so much. I can sense your beautiful energy as it radiates so much strength from enduring deep pain. Surrounding yourself with people who glow with kind, loving and empathetic energy will not only elevate your frequency, but it also creates a pathway towards healing and growth. So, in conclusion, the most important quality I feel in a beautiful soul is their ability to embody love despite experiencing otherwise.
What lights you up, makes you feel sexy and alive?
For me, the epitome of feeling sexy is wearing a bare face and slipping into my active wear. It's in these small moments of authenticity and stripping away any external layers which hold little meaning, is where I find confidence and acceptance within. Sexy is an energy that can easily be felt no matter what you are wearing. I feel alive when I surround myself with people who have the capacity to have soul deep conversations. There is something so exhilarating about allowing your emotions to be felt, heard and seen in the presence of someone you trust. It makes you feel human.
What changes do you want to see if the world today?
Advocating for less judgement, less projection, more emotional regulation, less unkindness and unhealthy criticism. Often, we find it hard to comprehend the struggles someone is going through, or what someone has had to do to be where they are right now, or how many times someone has had to reinvent themselves, or how much emotional pain someone has needed to let go of just to find joy in the present. We are all here, subjectively trying our best to heal. Emotional pain will always be universal, simultaneously existing in the that silence around us. This is not to say you should tolerate unkind behaviour, but rather be the person you wish to see in this world, and always lead with love. Additionally, my hope is for every child to experience safety, unconditional love, with a full belly, peacefully sleeping on a clean and comfortable bed. Only then will we begin to see a positive change in this world for generations to come.
What’s your star sign? Sun, moon and rising?
I'm a Leo sun, Leo rising, with Pieces as my moon sign -which brings the emotional depth and expression into my writing.
What does the following statement/quote mean to you?
The World is Your Oyster
This is such a strong and empowering statement. It signifies that you are the creator of your reality and it’s your sacred responsibility to turn your dreams into tangible existence. Have faith in your abilities. Embrace the challenges that seem scary. Follow your heart. Take the leap of faith and trust. For me, the phrase “The world is your oyster,” holds treasures untold, waiting for you to discover, and be discovered, if you choose to believe in the power of yourself. If you choose to see you are indeed worthy of opening up to all of the wonders that surround you.